Accelerating the Fintech Revolution: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Central Bank Digital Currency | William S. Richardson School of Law

Accelerating the Fintech Revolution: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Central Bank Digital Currency

Saturday, April 16, 2022 - 9:00am to 10:00am

This presentation, via Zoom, is offered free of charge to attendees not requesting Hawai‘i Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit. For attendees who wish to earn one Hawai‘i Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit, the cost is $30. If you want to receive CLE credit, please click here to register: If you want to attend this webinar without requesting CLE, please click the link on the flyer.

Blockchain plays a crucial role in financial technology (known as Fintech) innovations. Fintech broadly refers to the use of technology to provide financial services. Blockchain is an excellent example of an innovative technology that provides financial services that never existed before. Blockchain, as a distributed database system, revolutionizes the financial sector by providing peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a centralized authority. Blockchain’s most significant application, cryptocurrency, has been widely used in many areas such as online payments, cross-border payments, lending, gaming, proof of ownership, and many more. In the meantime, 86% of the central banks worldwide have been actively exploring and experimenting with a new form of currency— central bank digital currency (CBDC), which can also provide new financial services and accelerate the Fintech revolution. 


Event Contact Information

Keira Pease

Contact Phone
(808) 956-0536