Jeremy Waldron | William S. Richardson School of Law

Jeremy Waldron

  • Visiting Professor - January Term 2017

Jeremy Waldron is University Professor at New York University Law School.  He was educated in law and philosophy at the University of Otago (New Zealand) and at Oxford.  His career has included academic appointments at Edinburgh, Berkeley, Princeton, and Columbia.  Until recently he combined his NYU position with the Chichele Chair of Social and Political Theory at Oxford (All Souls College).  Professor Waldron delivered the 2007 Storrs Lectures at Yale (on the use of foreign law), the 2009 Holmes Lectures at Harvard (on hate speech), the 2009 Tanner Lectures at Berkeley (on human dignity), and the 2015 Gifford Lectures (on human equality) at Edinburgh.  He is a Fellow of the British Academy and a Member of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.  Professor Waldron has published more than 200 articles on constitutionalism, human dignity, judicial review, multiculturalism, rights, the rule of law, security issues, toleration, legal philosophy, and the history of political thought.  His books include The Dignity of Legislation (Cambridge, 1999), Law and Disagreement (Oxford, 1999), Torture, Terror and Trade-offs: Philosophy for the White House (Oxford, 2010), The Harm in Hate Speech (Harvard 2012), Dignity, Rank and Rights (Oxford, 2012), Partly Laws Common to All Mankind: Foreign Law in American Courts (Yale 2012); and Political Political Theory: Essays on Institutions (Harvard 2015).  He is also a regular contributor to the New York Review of Books.
