Seth M. Reiss '80 | William S. Richardson School of Law

Seth M. Reiss '80

  • Lecturer in Law


  • LLM University of Cambridge
  • JD William S. Richardson School of Law
  • MS University of Hawaii
  • BA New College of Florida


Seth is primarily engaged in the private practice of law emphasizing patent, trademark, copyright, technology, Internet law and dispute resolution. Seth currently manages his own specialty law firm while supervising the intellectual property section of Watanabe Ing LLP as of counsel to that firm.

Prior to entering private practice, Seth clerked with and served as staff attorney to the Hawaii Supreme Court, taught law at the University of Malaya, and was a public defender and deputy attorney general.

Seth presently serves on WIPO's panel of UDRP domain name arbitrators, INTA's panel of trademark mediators, Dispute Prevention and Resolution's panel of neutrals, and as an at-large structure delegate to ICANN's At Large contingency. Seth is a frequent speaker and author on intellectual property, technology and Internet law topics.



2008-Present Commentator on the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, World Intellectual Property Rights and Remedies, (Oxford University Press).

2010-2012 Editor and co-author of Hawaii chapter, Legal Aspects of Doing Business in North America, (Center for International Legal Studies and Juris Publishing).

2006, 2008 U.S. Chapter, The Internet: Laws and Regulatory Regimes, (Center for International Legal Studies and Yorkhill Law Publishing).

1986 International Copyright Protection, [1986] Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law 105.

1985 Quantum for Future Loss in Personal Injury and Fatal Accident Cases After the Civil Law Amendment Act 1984," [1985] 2 Malayan Law Journal.

