Tayyab Mahmud | William S. Richardson School of Law

Tayyab Mahmud

  • Professor of Law; Director, Center for Global Justice, Seattle University School of Law

Tayyab Mahmud is Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Global Justice at the Seattle University School of Law, and he is the former Associate Dean for Research and Faculty.  He will teach a seminar on “Comparative Constitutional Law: Coup d’Etat & Common Law.”  This course will compare how courts of common law jurisdictions address the validity of government coup d’etat.  Professor Mahmud holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Hawaii, and a J.D. from University of California Hastings College of the Law. He has taught at various universities in Pakistan, at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, and he was Professor of Law and Chair, Global Perspectives Group at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago. Professor Mahmud has published extensively in the areas of comparative constitutional law, human rights, international law, legal history and legal theory. His current research is focused on extra-constitutional usurpation and exercise of power in post-colonial states.
