Tracey S. Wiltgen '88 | William S. Richardson School of Law

Tracey S. Wiltgen '88

  • Visiting Associate Faculty Specialist


  • BA Gonzaga University 1977
  • MS University of Hawai`i 1979
  • JD William S. Richardson School of Law 1988


Tracey currently oversees daily operations and programs for the Mediation Center of the Pacific, a not-for-profit corporation that serves approximately 5,000 individuals annually. She consults with businesses and other agencies such as the Hawai`i State Judiciary, Hawai`i Civil Rights Commission, the Department of Education, the Federated States of Micronesia and the U.S. Navy Pacific region, to design and develop in-house mediation and dispute resolution programs.

Tracey provides direct mediation and facilitation services for numerous individuals and businesses including the U.S. Postal Service, Transportation Security Administration and health care organizations, as well as trains individuals in businesses and professional organizations in mediation, facilitation and conflict resolution throughout Hawai`i, the mainland U.S.A. and the Asia-Pacific region including American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia and Korea.

Tracey writes and lectures extensively on mediation and other dispute prevention and resolution processes. In 2003, she helped found a Peacemaker Committee within the Rotary Club of Honolulu. Through her work with the Committee, Tracey conducted introductory workshops on mediation for Rotarians throughout Hawai`i. In 2005 she was asked to conduct a similar workshop at the Rotary International Convention. 400 people from throughout the world participated. As a direct result, Rotary Clubs internationally and throughout the U.S., created similar Peacemaker Committees.
