Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic | William S. Richardson School of Law

Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic

Refugee and Immigration Law provides a productive context for clinical practice. Responding to real community needs and addressing authentic justice issues provides a powerful vehicle for engaging students in actual practice issues. Ranging from form-based transactional work to representation before administrative agencies, to representation in federal district and appeals courts, Immigration Law allows student practitioners to observe and participate in a wide variety of practice modalities.

By its nature Immigration Law is well-suited to provide students with exposure to significant cross-cultural issues, and gain firsthand experience working with immigrants from the diverse nations contributing to the ethnic mix of Hawai'i. As most of the clinic’s clients will be poor and working class, students will inevitably gain a deeper understanding of the impact of law on the everyday lives of the disadvantaged and unprivileged.

Participation in the Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic is open to students who have either completed or are concurrently enrolled in LAW 548 - Immigration Law, and is repeatable.

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